Saturday, December 04, 2004

What Were They Thinking?

I'm still catching up on my online reading after a week in North Carolina. Here are two stories that made me scratch my head:

1. "Orange libraries ban unaccompanied' adults from kids' area" (Associated Press, Florida Today)
Of course we all want our kids to be safe, but this is just sad. I wonder if the policy will stick?

2. "Overdue Library Books Could Mean Jail Time" (The Boston Globe)
Librarians in Bay City, Michigan asking their board for permission to seek arrest warrant for patrons who ignore repeated notices to return overdue items. Librarians want the worst offenders to face criminal charges and up to 90 days behind bars. And I thought turning people over to a collection agency seemed harsh! Don't get me wrong, I think keeping public property indefinitely is wrong, but I just can't quite come to terms with people with overdue library books going to jail. What do you think?

[both stories via Library Link of the Day]

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