Sunday, October 16, 2005

Libraries Are Great, Pass It On

How nice to read about how great libraries are and the resources they provide. All this from "civilians."

Libraries: Like Barnes & Noble, But Free from Deeper Motive
Hacking the Library: Where Information Is Already Free by Ned Wolfe (great post title!)

Improve Your Next Presentation with Presentation Zen

I'm giving a presentation next month. So I've been thinking a lot about what makes a presentation great, especially when it comes to the slides (or lack thereof).

My favorite blog on this topic is Presentation Zen. It's a great resource for learning about different presenters' techniques and slides designs (found via Seth Godin's Blog). I'm finding it really, really helpful and thought you might too. At my next presentation there will be absolutely no bullet points in my slides!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Apply for Library Marketing Awards

1. 2006 IFLA International Marketing Award - will honor organizations that have implemented creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns. Three finalists will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. From these three finalists, the winner will be chosen and receive airfare, lodging and registration for the 2006 IFLA General Conference and Council in Seol, Korea, as well as a cash award of USD 1,000 which must be used to further the marketing efforts of the recognized organization. All libraries worldwide are eligible. Applications are due before November 30.

2. 2006 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award - The award honors outstanding library public relations programs that support a specific project, goal or activity, or a sustained, ongoing program (e.g. the promotion of a summer reading program, a year-long centennial celebration, fundraising for a new college library, an awareness campaign or an innovative partnership in the community). The contest is open to all libraries and agencies that promote library service.

Entries can be calendar year 2005 (January-December), school year 2004-2005 (Fall-Spring) or any special project ends in 200. The awards and $3,500 cash grants will be presented during the 2006 ALA Annual Conference. The deadline for entries is December 9, 2005.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Attention Library Bloggers - Feedback Needed!

Hey Library Bloggers,

I need your help.

I'm giving a presentation in a few weeks on using blogs to promote the library and I need your help to make sure I've covered all the angles. How do you promote your library's blog? I have the basics down: on the Web site, in library publications, e-mail signatures, talking to users, faculty/staff meetings (for academic library blogs) and during presentations. Do you do anything else? Leave a comment and let me know.

Also, if you use your blog to do something besides promote library resources and services, serve as an internal communication channel for librarians and staff, or to give updates on projects and events I'd love to hear about it.
